Ladies and gentlemen
You’re up for a treat with this one. A bit different from our previous releases, but right on track faithful to our vision of pushing quality and variety. It is a piano album, composed and played by our young friend Dino Imeri, one of the new guard Macedonian contemporary musicians. Warm and fluid, with a clear intention to communicate with every possible listener, it is a proper introduction to a subtle, so far hidden world of a very bright and talented boy. It just might overwhelm you with it’s simplicity and plain beauty. And this is only a beginning… a proper start to a sonic friendship.
Produced, composed & performed by: Dino Imeri
Recorded by: Damir Imeri & Adi Imeri
Mastering: Mite Dimovski – Tralala Studio
Photo by: Kiril Zelenkovski
Design by: Violeta Kachakova