Kanton6Teichman Quintet: Intercactive Music Lab [pmgjazz 006] 2019

Kanton6Teichman quintet are:
Vladan Drobicki, trombone
Sinisha Evtimov, synths, rhythm machine
Mirko Popov, machine, field recordings
Andi Teichman, electronics manipulation
HannesTeichman, electronics manipulation

Kanton6Teichman Quintet release emerged from the Interactive Music Lab project implemented at Kino Kultura as a workshop and live impro session. A collaboration between Kanton6 Trio (Mirko Popov, Sinisa Evtimov, and Vladan Drobicki) – Skopje and Gebrüder Teichmann (Andi and Hannes Teichmann) – Berlin. The project was organised by Lokomotiva Skopje – Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture. Supported by Goethe Institute, Skopje.
Recorded at Kino Kultura in May 2019 by Vladan Drobicki.
Produced by Vladan Drobicki & Mirko Popov for PMG Jazz…
Sleeve design Violeta Kachakova
Sleeve photo Dorijan Milovanovik
PMGJAZZ006 december 2019

Sethstat: IX9 [pmgjazz 004] 2019

„ PMGJazz proudly presents the ninth album by Macedonian jazz group Sethstat – the not so subtly titled “IX9”.

Described, by our very own Mirko Popov as “their point of no return” this is undoubtedly their finest work to date. It is also, in many ways their most direct record since 2004’s “Rolling Garage” – a milestone in Macedonian punk-jazz.

Truly once in a lifetime collection of compositions, that keeps giving more and more with each spin of the [insert preferred medium]. “

“[…] The same thing that makes you come back to it over again, in order to “understand” it, is the same thing that motivates you to better yourself, and to grow both spiritually and as a character. And we, as a society that is part of the collective human culture[…] have a moral and civilizational obligation and responsibility not only to affirm, but also to support and promote such artistic values. Even to the point of sacrality, why not.” – Aleksandar Elenin, taratur.com

Vladan Drobicki [trombone, slide trumpet]
Vasko Bojadžiski [tenor saxophone, alto saxophone]
Panče Bujukliev [synthesizers]
Pavel Drobicki [electric bass guitar]
Goce Naumov [drums]

Deni Omeragić contrabass
Risto Solunčev voice, lyrics
Dejan Ilijić piano

Recorded by Ivica Jankulovski and Vladan Drobicki
Mixed at „Alshar Studio“ by Ivica Jankulovski
Cover designed by Natali Nikolovska, Panče Bujukliev , Vladan Drobicki, Alexandros Stamatiou.
Visionary of the shot by Panče Bujukliev

Special thanks to Dejan Hristov, Mihajlo Moteski, Zuty&Rozi

All compositions by Sethstat
Executive producer: Sethstat

Bukršliev Omeragić Spirovski: Odron [pmgjazz003] 2018

„Bukršliev / Omeragić / Spirovski’s abstract masterpiece is extremely difficult to describe. It has to be felt. It was probably best characterized by two Macedonian reviewers with similar feelings. Though some of their more colorful descriptions may have been lost in translation. The best way to know – listen!“

“This jazz trio announces the so-called “cleansing” (author’s note) with the first track from the album, titled “Odron II”, which can be briefly described (if we can talk about such a thing as “music description” at all) as a distorted “ear rupturing tendentiousness” that prepares the “musical gut” of jazz fans for all that amplitude variability of the complex musical stimulus that follows until the end of the album.

Already with the second album track, the almost eleven-minute jazz expression on the theme “Lonely Woman” by the cult hero Ornette Coleman, Bukršliev , Omeragić, and Spirovski confidently and uncompromisingly confirm the size and artistic value of their jazz album.

From the gloom of jazz lethargy, through sections filled with instrumental distortion of the auditory senses, to relaxation through jazz harmonizations, through the complex musical fluidity of instrumental virtuosity and “playfulness” which will surely come back to haunt you whenever you feel the need for musical elevation of the aesthetic establishment and condition.” – Aleksandar Elenin, taratur.com

” [..] Macedonian album of the year [..] The opening of the album […] is fierce. Omeragić enters our minds “studs up”, sawing the contrabass and creating “landslides in our thoughts”, with the intention of getting rid of the ego.

[..] This perfectly conceived album, has its own Siamese twin in the sensibility described in the previous paragraph – the music material has a second face, although both are part of the same coin. The key moment for that qualitative duality is the second track, a cover of “Lonely Woman” of the legendary Ornette Coleman. The joint interpretation of Bukršliev and Spirovski on the disciplined notes, as if it were Tartini’s “Devil’s Thriller”, then unfolds into lavish solos, which we can follow in parallel, until both are found again at the same point, at the end of the long-winded song. Brilliant.

[..] Spirovski sounds impeccable and almost perfect, like music for a yet unmade, but imagined film, which always looks different and challenging with each new listening of the material. All of this brought me back to the ’80s and ’90s of the last century, to the films of Wim Wenders and the soundtracks to his work, something that as a sensibility is always recommended for re-exploration and interpretation. ” – Igor Angelov, kritika.mk & “Heroj na eden den”

Odron II [Deni Omeragić]
Lonely Woman [Ornette Coleman]
Dark Elements [Ninoslav Spirovski]
Time Present [Filip Bukršliev]
ALS / Odron III [Bukršliev/Omeragić/Spirovski]
Odron I [Bukršliev/Omeragić/Spirovski]
Time Past [Bukršliev/Omeragić/Spirovski]
Intimen tanc [Filip Bukršliev]

Ninoslav Spirovski [clarinet / tenor saxophone]
Filip Bukršliev [guitar]
Deni Omeragić [contrabass / bass guitar]

Recorded at „Kino Frosina“ Skopje, 20 August 2018

Produced by Bukršliev / Drobicki / Omeragić / Spirovski
Recording engineer – Vladan Drobicki
Mixed and mastered by Vladan Drobicki, September/October 2018

Artwork by Filip Bukršliev
Photographs by Ana Ivanovska
Executive producers Vladan Drobicki & Mirko Popov, for PMG Jazz

Fighting Windmills + Sethstat: IN C Terry Riley [pmgjazz 001] 2018

„Terry Riley’s cult minimalist masterpiece “In C” is performed dozens, if not hundreds of times each year, and every single performance is unique. It has to be – it’s one of the enduring appeals of this composition. The performance you are, hopefully, about to listen is as well – unique! Luckily, we have it on tape. Furthermore, this is a recording of the Macedonian premiere of “In C”, and also the first musical communion of jazz titans Sethstat, and post-jazz renegades Fighting Windmills, making this album even more special. What a better way to launch a record label?

This performance discards some of the conventions of the piece – such as the mechanical pulse, which opens up space for a more liberal interactions between the musicians, which in turn gives a greater rhythmo-textural depth to the sound – especially important in a context where the piece is performed by a small… more

Ninoslav Spirovski [clarinet / soprano saxophone]
Vladan Drobicki [trombone]
Antonie Veskovski [percussion]
Goce Naumov [percussion / electronics]
Filip Bukršliev [guitar]
Panče Bukukliev [analogue synthesizer]
Pavel Drobicki [electric bass]
Deni Omeragić [contrabass / synthesizer]

Recorded live in „Кino Frosina“ – Skopje, on 16 December 2016

Composed by Terry Riley
Recorded by Nenad Trifunovski
Mixed and mastered by Vladan Drobicki
Design by Filip Bukršliev
Liner notes by Deni Omeragić

VA: Makedonija na Struja Vol.1 [pmgrec 163] 2019

Македонија на Струја е зрак светлина, вперен кон автентичните локални протагонисти на современата електронска музика. Речиси 30 години, респектабилен број на луѓе ги вградија својот интегритет, креативност и животна енергија во корпусот на оваа сцена и обезбедија да бидеме дел од светскиот електронски real time процес. Нашите диск џокеи, композитори/продуценти, па и промотери (и самите тие фанови), поставија здрави корени и сериозни критериуми, кои речиси 30 години обезбедуваат основа за развој на оваа сцена. Разноликоста на идеи, пристапи, музички стилови е наше богатство, кое го должиме токму на пионерите на оваа сцена, но и сите оние кои ја преземаа идејата и ја пренесоа во новото време. Време кое изобилува со шаренило, квантитет, па и квалитет, кои беа речиси незамисливи пред триесетина години.

Македонија на Струја е платформа за обединување на круцијалните имиња на македонската електронска сцена и мост за соработка помеѓу чинителите на истата од сите периоди. Истакнување на значењето на домашните артисти, со фокус на што е можно поголем респект кон нив, како од публиката, така и од оние кои денес го водат бизнисот во сцената. Платформа за меѓусебна соработка пред се на артистите, но и на сите чинители на сцената.

Македонија на Струја е компилација во прогрес, со која целиме да бидат опфатени најголем можен број на домашните електронски продуценти во следните години.
Македонија на Струја е фестивал на кој годишно и на едно место, ќе настапуваат најзначајните имиња на македонската електронска сцена.

Bernard Panasonik: Кравата Која Го Изеде Скопје [pmgrec 057] 2011

Format: mp3

Based on the original comic book by Zoran Janjetov
Translation and adaptation: Mirko Popov
Directed by: Mirko Popov
Sound design: Goran Atanasovski
Sleeves design: Nikolina Kujača
Producer: Oliver Mitkovski
Recorded and produced: @DownTownStudioOffices, February-March, 2021
Jordan Simonov, Nikolina Kujača, Robotek, Aleksandar Aleksovski, Mirko Popov, Aleksandar Gavrovski, Sinsha Evtimov, Ljupa (The John), Filip (The John), Bozidar Jovanović
This radiodrama is constructed around one of the coolest super heroes of all time Bernard Panasonic. Based on a comic book by one of the most intelligent and of course hugely talented artists emerging from Yugoslavia in the 1980s, Zoran Janjetov. Reworked to fit in today’s, even better-tomorrow’s Macedonia (Kanton6), it still keeps the weirdest angle and the unique enchantingly stupid atmosphere of the original comic. It was always a strong desire for the author/s to share this bizarre and magnificent world with as many people as possible.

Базирано на оригиналниот стрип на ЗОРАН ЈАЊЕТОВ
Превод и адаптација: Мирко Попов
Режија: Мирко Попов
Звучен дизајн: Горан Атанасовски-Роботек
Продуцент: Оливер Митковски
Дизајн на омот: Николина Кујача
Јордан Симонов, Николина Кујача, Роботек, Александар Алексовски, Мирко Попов, Александар Гавровски, Синиша Евтимов, Љупа (Џон), Филип (Џон), Божидар Јовановиќ
Снимено и продуцирано @DownTownStudioOffices, февруари-март, 2011
Оваа радио драма е изградена околу еден од најкул супер хероите на сите времиња Бернард Панасоник. Базирана на стрипот на еден од најинтелигентните и секако најталентираните уметници од Југославија во 1980-тите, Зоран Јањетов. Преработена за да се вклопи во денешната, уште подобро утрешна Македонија (Кантон6), сè уште го задржува најчудниот агол и уникатната волшебно глупава атмосфера на оригиналниот стрип. Секогаш беше силна желба авторот/ите да го споделат овој бизарен и прекрасен свет со што повеќе луѓе.