PMG Kolektiv: Ti Si Mojot Svet EP [pmgrec 117] 2015

Format: mp3

This EP sounds just great. Let’s say you’re a New Order fan and you’re fed up of their anglo-saxon rhetorics and you’re searching for a fresh angle to the sound. A little bit of development. PMG Kolektiv are younger, better looking and they sing in Macedonian language. Who needs Macedonian NO? Nobody. Who the hell understands Macedonian language? No one. Well you have been served. Beautiful raw pop music.
You get a proper acid house club Kanton6 workout on the flip side. This can’t go wrong in any club. Any fucking club in the world.
And last but not least, our own Vidinovski, offers an obscure techno offering.

Music by PMG Kolektiv
Lyrics by Mirko Popov
Recorded, produced and mixed by Sinisha Evtimov and Mirko Popov at Shupa, except 03, remixed, arranged and produced by Aleksandar Vidinovski

Sleeve design by Violeta Kachakova
Sleeve selfie by Laika Popova

PMG Kolektiv: Retko Te Gledam So Devojki [pmgrec 114] 2015

Format: mp3

Retko te Gledam so Devojki was written by Vlada Divljan and originally performed by Vis Idoli in 1979 (our favorite band from Yugoslavia, Belgrade-Serbia). Translation by Mirko Popov. Re-work and arrangement by PMG Kolektiv.
The Next Jay-Z was written by Sinisha Evtimov.

Produced by Mirko Popov & Sinisha Evtimov @Shupa, 2014-2015
Sleeve design by Violeta Kachakova
PMG Recordings 114 / 2015

Sethstat, Mirko Popov, Nikola Kodjabashija: Krizni Situacii [pmgrec 112] 2014

Format: mp3

Music by Sethstat with Nikola Kodjabashija and Mirko Popov
Lyrics by Mirko Popov
Arrangement by Sethstat with Nikola Kodjabashija
Vocal recorded by Sinisha Evtimov

All tracks performed by Sethstat:
Vladan Drobicki – trbn.
Vasko Bojadziski – sax
Panno Buyukliev – synths
Pavel Drobicki – bass
Dino Milosavljevic – drums
+Nikola Kodjabashija – piano, el. guitar, pads
+Mirko Popov – vocals

Recorded by Alen Hadzi – Stefanov at MOB
Produced by Vladan Drobicki
Sleeve design by Violeta Kachakova
Sleeve photo by Mirko Popov

PMG Recordings 112 / 2015
All rights reserved

PMG Kolektiv: 80Ti EP [pmgrec 108] 2014

Format: CD + mp3

80Ti is one of the biggest hits PMG Kolektiv ever scored.
Seems like an evergreen melody here in Skopje, Macedonia.
You can’t go wrong with it in the club or a concert.
Proper disco (punk) tune. JAM.

80Ti, music and lyrics by Mirko Popov, produced by Sinisha Evtimov and Mirko Popov @Shupa, arranged by PMG Kolektiv, mastered by Robotek.

Atmosfera, original song by Joy Division, produced and arranged by Sinisha Evtimov and Mirko Popov @Shupa additional guitars and bass by Ljupa Angelov.

JFK live, music by Sinisha Evtimov, Mirko Popov, Ljupa Angelov, lyrics by Mirko Popov, performed live at Havana, Skopje – 24.04.2010, recorded by Ivica Jankulovski-Shtraf.

sleeve design: Violeta Kachakova

Galatheia: Prag [pmgrec 101] 2014

Format: mp3

Written, produced and performed by Tea Shaldeva
Lyrics by Mirko Popov

01 Mixed and mastered by Goran Atanasovski – Robotek
02 Mixed and mastered by PMG Kolektiv @Shupa
03 Mixed @Science Upstairs Studio, Skopje

Sleeve design by Violeta Kachakova