PMG Kolektiv: GRADOT ME TERA DA PEAM [pmgrec 202] 2022

Градот ме тера да пеам

Градот ме тера да пеам
Го живеам својот сон
Градот ме тера да пеам
Грешам половина тон

Во улица тесна
Изнудува песна
Градот ме тера да пеам
Наутро рано
пред оџа да писне
Грло ќе стисне

Огногрло суво
за ничие уво
сировица прачка
со пепел го мачкам
Намерно нее
Запеав случајно
Губам мера
Кога градот ме тера

Пакости ми смера
На музика ме тера
Живеам во блен
Песни секој ден
Напредуваш ме фали
Вика Опасен си мали
Па шкрабам цело утро
по екранчето кутро

Моите песни биле бесни
недоволно лесни
Везден сум ги пеел со другари чесни
Но голем сум и знам
дека можам сам
Вика сака да ме гушне
Тебе нема кој да слушне

Градот ме тера да пеам
Го живеам својот сон
Градот ме тера да пеам
Грешам половина тон

Варош моја стара
На песна наговара
Као другари сме стари
А спомиње и пари
А песнопоец на сред село
стаза не е лесна
Замислив се видов себе
живеам од песна

Градот ме тера да пеам
Го живеам својот сон
Градот ме тера да пеам
Грешам половина тон

Music by Sinisha Evtimov and Mirko Popov
Lyrics by Mirko Popov
Produced, mixed and mastered by Sinisha Evtimov and Mirko Popov at Shupa, 2021/2022
Cover art by Filip Pajdakov
Cover design by Violeta Kachakova

Kanton6: Thee Blood of Bogomil (Bogomilska Krv) [pmgjazz 023] 2021

Thee Blood of Bogomil (Bogomilska Krv) is an ancient brand of ale, which was drunk at the first Jazz Karneval, which took place exactly 500.000 years ago on the holy mountain of Galichica, in between two macedonian lakes. Thee beer was blood red and thick and it hits you as train. It was fucking strong, more like a drug that lasts for centuries.
We uncover a special part of hEEstory concerning the roots and beginnings of jazz music as an original macedonian traditional music. Stay put.

Thee Blood of Bogomil (Bogomilska Krv)
written by: Kanton6
Mirko Popov (Machine, sound manipulation)
Sinisha Evtimov (sound manipulation)
Vladan Drobicki (thrombone)

Filip Bukrshliev (guitar)
Ljubomir Stojsavljević – Kuchkar (bass)

Video by Mirko Popov (contains original recordings from 1960 film “Yougoslavie: la Macédoine et Dubrovnik” and An Optical Poem – produced by Oskar Fisch

Sethstat feat. Marija Kaeva: S’lnce ili Zimo [pmgjazz 015] 2020

S’lnce ili Zimo
written by Mirko Popov
arranged and performed by Sethstat

written, composed, arranged, and performed by Sethstat

Sethstat are:
Vasko Bojadžiski, Vladan Drobicki, Panče Bujukliev, Pavel Drobicki, Goce Naumov.

Marija Kaeva, vocals on 1 & 3

guests: Siniša Evtimov – guitar, Džole Maksimovski – sub synth bass, Valentin Vidović – flute solo

Produced by Vladan Drobicki
cover art: Violeta Kachakova

Goran Kan: E [pmgrec 209] 2023

This is very cool. Techno as modern as it gets right now. Fast but not aggressive, metallic but incredibly groovy, just past prime time material. Goes well in the mix with a hazy melodic fast stuff. You can leave the mix at 04:25 AM and go to the bathroom for whatever reason. If you’re djing of course. Proper no bullshit club stuff. And it’s free!
Goran Kan (aka Kerkez) knows his trade. He’s always been a techno banger of sorts, but being grown up (almost:) as well as experienced, he sounds very mature, almost polished, but still exciting choice for a intelligent dj set. Own a music taste? Love techno? Go for this!

Produced, mixed and mastered by Goran Kan
Vocal by Julija Kalajdziska
Cover design Aleksandar Tanchevski
Art direction Mirko Popov

PMG Kolektiv: Skopjanka 2023 [pmgrec 208] 2023

One of the greatest hits of the Macedonian musical 20th century. Original version out in 2003, it conquered the hearts and minds of the Macedonian club goers and radio friendly stuff. The first single and also hit for the controversial PMG Kolektiv. They revisit and of course re make this lovely number some 20 years after, only to find the young lady more or less on the same page where they left her. Jokes on the side, this is a great tune for those moments when people have fun. Very Moroderesque, very club friendly affair. Get it. Fast.

Written by Mirko Popov and Goran Atanasovski
Lyrics by Mirko Popov
2023 version produced, mixed and mastered by Mirko Popov and Sinisha Evtimov
Brass on 02 Vladan Drobicki
Bass on 04 Aleksandar Gavrovski
Cover design Violeta Kachakova
Art direction Mirko Popov
Cover photo taken out of “Opera”, film by Darijan Pejovski
Cover face: Sofija Kunovska <3

Aleksandar Veliki: Lagi [pmgrec 201] 2022

Well this is a beautiful song. A radio hit. Cool pop tune. POP, do we not like it? A proper PMG Recordings release. Just tune in and pay attention to Aleksandar Veliki… that’s Alexander the Great to all of you NON Macedonians 😉 Great announcement to his 3rd solo album and a happy happy occasion.
Oh, yeah… and it’s free download 🙂

Music by Aleksandar Gavrovski and Sinisha Evtimov
Lyrics by Aleksandar Gavrovski
Produced, mixed and mastered by Sinisha Evtimov at Shupa 2022
Additional vocals by Galatheia
Contains sample from “Kazi nesto draga” (m: Vancho Dimitrov, L: Gjoko Georgiev, v: Dragan Mijalkovski)

Mirko Popov Quartet: Diagnoza [pmgrec 199] 2022

Come down to psychological issues, i’m pretty much a self diagnosed man. Won’t brag about it, but i got reasonably good at it lately, since finally diagnosing my life long disease. It’s a severe case of obsession with the city i live in. Skopje. The only problem is that i diagnosed my self too late to do anything substantial about it, apart from writing songs. This one is one of those and it is a gift to you guys. Touch me i’m sick, so what…

Скопје е дијагноза. Пред се моја лична, приватна дијагноза. Знаете, јас сум поет, писател помалку. Пишувам за себе лично уште од крајот на 70тите. Моите пишани нешта ги објавувам, или ги објавуваат други, уште од почетокот на 90тите. Последниве 20 години имам напишано преку 300 текстови кои ги пеам во своите песни, нели музичар сум, имам објавено 20тина авторски албуми. Некои луѓе пишуваат љубовни песни, некои продаваат ангажирана, дневнополитичка реторика. Ако погледнете во мојата лирика, ќе забележите една генерална, но и доста детална опседнатост со Скопје. Јас сум буквално опседнат со овој град и пишувам за него во континуитет. Скопје е мојот Њу Јорк, мојот Лондон, мојот Берлин. Никогаш не се помирив со тоа дека мојот град не е доволно “кул“ и целиот мој живот… more

Written and produced by Mirko Popov
Additional production Sinisha Evtimov
Mastered by Mirko Popov and Sinisha Evtimov at Shupa, 2022
Cover design by Violeta Kachakova
Penguin cover art by Artur Popov – Kujacha

PMG Kolektiv: Nerven Slom [pmgrec 197] 2021

There’s nothing we can say about this song other than this Paul McCartney quote:

“You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn’t so
Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs
And what’s wrong with that
I’d like to know
‘Cause here I go again
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you”

Music by Sinisha Evtimov
Lyrics by Mirko Popov
Arranged, mixed and produced by Sinisha Evtimov & Mirko Popov at Shupa 2021
Thrombone on [brass mix] by Vladan Drobicki
Cover design by Violeta Kachakova, art direction by Mirko Popov

Marija Kaeva: Dobro Utro [pmgrec 191] 2021

Music: Ilin Georgi Drobicki/ Marija Kaeva
Text: Marija Kaeva
Arr: Ilin Georgi Drobicki
Vocal: M. Kaeva
Synths programming: I. G. Drobicki
Recorded & produced by Vladan Drobicki

Mirko Popov Quartet: Neboder [pmgrec 189] 2021

Pioneering Macedonian electronic dance scene in the early 90s and spending a life time djing around the country and Europe, Mirko Popov is one of the rare few originals you can find this days. It’s been three vibrant decades of pushing the dancefloor for him, as well as countless productions to rock clubs with. PMG Kolektiv and Kanton6 are his two best known musical incarnations. Mirko Popov Quartet is a brand new installment, especially designed for a maximum dance floor impact, but still quite melodic and even almost keeping his slightly out of tune trade mark vocal. Devoted to play it live, his music is a compact sublimation of his epic experience in clubs and of course, the incredibly eclectic musical knowledge.

Written and produced by Mirko Popov
Additional production Sinisha Evtimov
Mastered by Mirko Popov and Sinisha Evtimov at Shupa, in early 2021
Cover art and photo by Violeta Kachakova
Cover bird art by Artur Popov Kujacha