Format: mp3
3 неиздадени култни песни од 2001 година.
Music and Production: Sinisha Evtimov
Creative Consulting+SpiritualGuidence: Mirko Popov
Sleeve Design by Nikolina Kujaca and Mirko Popov
Kanton6 is a mature, independent discourse. Premature ejaculation to the things that came. Neverending reinvention of thee trance: musical, physical and of image. Psychedelic mix of sound, state, times, rhythm and bodys, without strict intention to evoke the future.
Kanton6 is an extatic crossover of forward dictating infinite beat and widening textures that provoke neutral thought. Thick package of instant pleasure that fulfills space with substance. Inhiretance wich slips through your fingers intending to glue on thee walls.
Kanton6 is one hit wonder.
Intention with no beginning. Melted dust upon centuries of sex and death.
Kanton6 is a premeditated initiation.